
I am above all a Romantic artist. Not only have my musical heroes been Romantic, but the tenets of Romanticism –– faith in the imagination as turnstile to transcendence and preference for the subjective, the non-rational and the mysterious –– are central to my practice. Among recordings, Discovery is the clearest testament to my Romantic core as well as the one most indicative of the breadth of my interests as composer and pianist.
Whether I'm combining the influence of Schubert with reminders of cowboy songs ('Mariana's Waltz'), pursuing departures from the world of Liszt and Wagner ('Chorale-Prelude,' 'Chorale No. 2') or ushering Mediterranean elements and reminiscences of jazz pioneer Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton into the same salon ('Cynthia'), all is at the service of the same Romantic intention.
Imaginative relationships with places are at the heart of much of my work. Referring to myself as a 'terrain wrangler' and a 'topographical rowdy bent upon revelation-through-landscape,' I entertain intrigue with lands from the Ozark Plateau and Ouachita Mountains to the Northwoods to the Upper Midwest; from the Piney Woods of southern Mississippi and Alabama to the Intermountain West, and from the northern Great Plains to central and southern Appalachia. Landscape is the dependable home of my imagination.
- David Thomas Roberts